Frequently Asked Questions
*If your questions are not answered here, review the BOOST Grant Application Guidelines & Checklist for complete details. You are also welcome to contact us at the Milledgeville Main Street office at 478-414-4014 or by email [email protected]
This sounds too good to be true?
It is absolutely true - BOOST is giving money away to Downtown Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs. The funds do not have to be repaid. Finding money to start or grow your business is not always easy and we want to help.
How does it work?
The BOOST investment group members review all applications and then vote on which funding request to approve. The grants are awarded in increments of $100 and up to $1,000 to the winning applicants. The grants will be awarded on a quarterly basis, although the committee reserves the right to award more or less frequently each calendar year. The dollar amount and number of grants awarded each quarter are decided by the BOOST members.
Do you require matching funds?
Boost does not require matching funds, but we do reserve the right to award grants that may be less than the total amount requested.
Who can apply?
Any currently operating business with a valid business license in Downtown Milledgeville can apply. We will also consider requests from Entrepreneurs with an operating business and license that may not have a brick and mortar store front. Downtown developers who are rehabilitating downtown buildings will also be eligible to apply and applications will be considered to fund Downtown improvement projects as well.
If I own or operate a Downtown Business and I am a member of BOOST, can my business apply for a Grant?
Yes, but you will be asked to abstain from voting for the application cycle in which your business applies.
How do I apply?
Go to the Apply section on the BOOST website. It is a very simple process, but keep in mind that BOOST has the right to request additional information, accept, or reject any application.
How often can I apply?
You can apply each quarter or application cycle, but you are only eligible to receive funding once a calendar year and only one application per business/organization per quarter will be considered.
Tell me what you will and will not fund?
See the Guidelines & Checklist section on the BOOST website for complete details about funding.
It is absolutely true - BOOST is giving money away to Downtown Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs. The funds do not have to be repaid. Finding money to start or grow your business is not always easy and we want to help.
How does it work?
The BOOST investment group members review all applications and then vote on which funding request to approve. The grants are awarded in increments of $100 and up to $1,000 to the winning applicants. The grants will be awarded on a quarterly basis, although the committee reserves the right to award more or less frequently each calendar year. The dollar amount and number of grants awarded each quarter are decided by the BOOST members.
Do you require matching funds?
Boost does not require matching funds, but we do reserve the right to award grants that may be less than the total amount requested.
Who can apply?
Any currently operating business with a valid business license in Downtown Milledgeville can apply. We will also consider requests from Entrepreneurs with an operating business and license that may not have a brick and mortar store front. Downtown developers who are rehabilitating downtown buildings will also be eligible to apply and applications will be considered to fund Downtown improvement projects as well.
If I own or operate a Downtown Business and I am a member of BOOST, can my business apply for a Grant?
Yes, but you will be asked to abstain from voting for the application cycle in which your business applies.
How do I apply?
Go to the Apply section on the BOOST website. It is a very simple process, but keep in mind that BOOST has the right to request additional information, accept, or reject any application.
How often can I apply?
You can apply each quarter or application cycle, but you are only eligible to receive funding once a calendar year and only one application per business/organization per quarter will be considered.
Tell me what you will and will not fund?
See the Guidelines & Checklist section on the BOOST website for complete details about funding.